2024년 대국민 공공외교 우수사례 수상작입니다.
수상자분들 축하드리며, 본 공모전에 참여해주신 모든 분들께도 감사드립니다.
[UCC 수상작]
[종합대상] 김*별
[우수상] 정*래
[장려상] 양*윤
[장려상] 이*한 부부(단체)
[장려상] 홍*윤
@unniefromseoul My goal is to help Muslim travelers travel to Korea worry-free, while enjoying authentic Korean food and rich local culture. My contents are all about how you can travel Korea and eat Korean food just like how locals would! Taking this chance, I want to thank all my followers who support my content creation journey. Please follow me on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube! . I made this video in Korean so that it reaches more Koreans and related organizations, and helps them stay aware of the importance of providing Muslim-friendly food and facilities to all travelers 😍 . #korea#koreatravel#seoul#muslim#visitkorea#publicdiplomacy#공공외교 ♬ 오리지널 사운드 - Unnie from Seoul
[청년특별상] 김*원
[수기 수상작]
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